
Graffiti Management Service

If you find yourself the victim of regular graffiti attacks maybe it’s time to talk to Mr Blastit. We provide a customisable management service to keep your property graffiti free.

What is Graffiti Management?

Our tried and tested graffiti management service incorporates a 3 step process:

Asset 4

Sacrificial Anti- Graffiti Coatings

Asset 5We use on the best quality sacrificial coatings for our graffiti management programs. This ensures that:

☑ The visual appearance of the surfaces is not adversely affected

Many anti-graffiti coatings can alter the look of your wall and make it look artificial. Over time many coatings, in particular permanent coatings, begin to delaminate, degrade or discolour. If you destroy the look of your property in an attempt to protect it what have you achieved. At Mr Blastit we insist on delivering protection without collateral damage and as such will only use non-damaging and sustainable solutions that benefit our customers and the environment.

☑ A protective barrier exists at all times

The coating is a physical barrier that not only stops graffiti from penetrating into porous and otherwise sensitive surfaces, but also provides protection from graffiti removal products and processes. This is particularly important with fragile surfaces such as limestone, sandstone and painted murals.

☑ Environmentally responsible removal techniques can be employed

Pressurised hot water is usually all that is required to remove graffiti from surfaces treated with a good quality sacrificial sealant. In the rare instances that some chemical products are required, the volume required is far less than for an untreated surface and milder eco-friendly alternatives will suffice.

Regular Site Monitoring

Treated surfaces should be regularly inspected and any graffiti should be flagged for removal as soon as possible. In many instances monitoring can regularly and efficiently be undertaken by the owners or tenants of the properties. However, for many structures that are remote, vacant or situated in public access areas there is no responsible person who regularly attends site. In such cases Mr Blastit can provide regular monitoring services and report and/or immediately remove any instances of graffiti.

Removal of Graffiti

graffitiBefore commencing removal processes we ensure all incidents of graffiti are documented, accurately measured and photographed. These details are included in reports to the client so they can be sure they are only paying for what needs doing. We also do spot tests to evaluate which environmentally friendly removal method will be most effective in each instance. All waste materials from the graffiti removal process are safely collected and removed from site. Once the graffiti has been successfully removed, all affected areas will be recoated with anti-graffiti product to ensure seamless and ongoing protection of the assets are maintained.

Fore more information of our Graffiti Management System call Mark on 0419 350 332
